Basalt is a mafic volcanic igneous rock that is formed by the solidification of lava. The solidification of the basalt takes place at the earth's surface and therefore basalt is an effluent rock. Due to the rapid cooling, no large crystals were formed.


Basalt is an effluent rock and is formed on the surface in areas of volcanic activity. It is typically a product of low viscosity fast-flowing lavas such as in Hawaii. Basalt outflows can also take place under the (sea) surface, such as at the mid-ocean ridges. So-called pillow basalts are formed here. Because the magma solidifies and reaches a temperature below the Curie point [1], the magnetic field of the earth at that moment is fixed in the rock. The magnetic field is constantly changing and along the mid-ocean ridges a pattern of successive magnetic periods, the so-called magnetic polarity zones, develops.


The high density - of the order of 2.9 ton / m³ - and the hardness of the material make it ideally suited as a material.


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